Root Canal Therapy
Endodontic treatment is commonly known as "root canal therapy." This treatment involves removing dying or infected pulp tissue inside a tooth. The procedure helps alleviate pain and prevent infection from futher growing or spreading. The tooth will continue to be nourished by surrounding tissues even after the pulp is removed. After the treatment, a crown or other restoration is necessary to protect and restore the tooth to its full function.
Root canal therapy is usually recommended to save a tooth that would otherwise be extracted. If endodontic problems are detected and treated early, healing is faster. In more serious cases, endodontic treatment may be uncomfortable, and it is recommended that a patient take antibiotics to calm symptoms before continuing with the treatment.
An endodontist, such as Dr. Mac, is a dentist who has had 2-3 additional years of advanced specialty education after dental school in diagnosis and root canal treatment. They specialize in endodontic treatment because they typically practice surgical or root canal treatment exclusively. They use their special training and experience to help diagnose and treat more difficult cases, such as abscessed teeth, narrow or calcified canals, or unusual anatomy. Endodontists may also use specialized technology, such as microscopes or digital imaging, to help in treatment.
For a more visual representation of root canal therapy, click here to watch a video provided by the American Association of Endodontics. If you are interested in understanding more about root canals or what you need to do to prepare for treatment, feel free to contact our office.